Enjoy? This blog will be similar to other advice and/or anecdotal blogs, but more importantly, this blog is for me to write down my thoughts before I get the Old Timer's Disease. This first post is about me and why I'm probably qualified to write this blog... My background I earned a Computer Science degree, Philosophy degree, and an MBA. I have over 10 years of work experience in Technology roles across a couple large companies. I've bought 2 homes, I've sold a home and I've filed my own taxes since I was 15. I'm a Millennial, I'm a dog owner, I'm a sports fan, and I'm getting married in 2019. I enjoy board games, Quizzo, television and movies. I try to steer clear of politics, but if there's a bozo in office saying we need to arm teachers to solve problems - I might have an opinion. One in 440 Million I did a Google search on the number of blogs - over 440 million , so I understand if this blog isn't going to...